Cover Reveal~Hooked on Her~by Stacey Lynn

I’m in love with my best friend’s little sister….and I’m done waiting.

hooked on her cover

Hooked on Her, an all-new sexy and flirty forbidden romance from Stacey Lynn is releasing June 23rd, and we have the stunning cover.

Pre-order your copy today!

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Tessa Chauncy is the best kind of trouble. Beautiful, sweet and completely off limits. I’ve sat by and watched other men drool after her and forced myself to stay in check. Hey, I’m in the NHL… I have self-control in spades.

Except when it comes to her.

With the bat of her lashes and quick whip of that sharply pointed tongue Tessa can knock grown men to their knees. I’ve seen them wither and crumble under her confident stare— something I’m pretty sure she learned from sparring with me, thankyouverymuch.

But I’m not just falling for her. I’m down for the count.

She’s the girl I wanted, when wanting her was wrong.

She’s also my new roommate–

And oh yeah, my best friend’s little sister.

Heaven help me, I’m probably going to get his fist to my face or his hockey stick shoved in very dangerous places for what I’m about to do, but I don’t think I care anymore.

I’m in love with my best friend’s little sister….and I’m done waiting.

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