Liz’s Review~Etern1ty~ by Erin Noelle


“I’ve got a story to live. A man to love.”


Etern1ty is the second book in the Exp1re Duet. This duet must be read in order. As soon as I turned the last page of Exp1re, I couldn’t wait to start Etern1ty in order to find out what could possibly happen next. With a perfect blend of romance, passion, and mystery, Tavian and Lyra’s story continues.


“Call it fate, call it destiny, call it whatever you want. You’re mine and I’m yours for as long as we have left.”

Tavian West and Lyra Jennings met in the most unusual circumstances. After surviving catastrophe only to experience joy together, Tavian and Lyra return home to their former lives. Unable to quench the desire they have to be together, both decide to move forward together. Although it may seem they are on the cusp of their happy ever after, Tavian and Lyra have many obstacles to overcome before they can be together. The mystery that was revealed at the end of Exp1re continues to haunt them both. As Tavian comforts and heals Lyra, they both find joy, passion, and unbelievable love in the arms of each other.


“I want to celebrate my last day of work by wearing your ass as a party hat and drinking your Kool-Aid straight from that sweet pussy.”

Told in dual POV, Etern1ty is a perfect conclusion to this duet. With the many struggles both of these individuals have been forced to endure, the happiness they find in each other will leave you utterly breathless. The plot is laced with mystery as the truth is slowly revealed. This duet ushers in an onslaught of thoughts about life and love and the moments we are meant to cherish. I couldn’t help but think about how we should live every moment as it might be our last. I found the connection between Lyra and Tavian to be one of beauty. The way in which they cared for one another was undeniably epic. The tempo of the read flows naturally as the text is colored with beautiful dialogue and moment after moment of perfection. The passion is off the charts as Lyra and Tavian commit to one another and commit to living every second like it is their first.


Overall, I highly recommend this read to any contemporary romance fans. Although there is a slight Sci-Fi overtone, it only enhances the love story between the two main characters. The plot is unique, the characters are complex, and their love story is one that I will never forget. Erin Noelle has created a truly remarkable masterpiece and I am now officially hooked. I look forward to reading more from this author very soon!

***EXP1RE Duet***
EXP1RE (EXPIRE Duet, #1) by Erin NoelleETERN1TY (EXPIRE Duet, #2) by Erin Noelle

*ARC graciously provided in exchange for an honest review!


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