ARC/LOYDA’S REVIEW ~ Hills of Shivers and Shadows by Pam Godwin

Genre: Dark Romantic Suspense
Type: Book 1 of 3
POV: First Person – Multiple

This review can also be found on GOODREADS and AMAZON.

Frankie Novak finds herself making a hard decision for herself but she knew it was the best decision even if it devastated her. What she did not expected was to be abducted and taken from the life that she knew. Her life was not perfect before this but she was bound to stay strong for herself no matter what, she needed to survive. She finds herself stuck in the middle of nowhere somewhere in Alaska’s wilderness and with four wild man with no where to run and no one to trust.

”Reality and nightmare are so tightly meshed I can no longer distinguish where one begins and the other ends. It’s as if I’ve been thrust into a twisted realm, where boundaries of horror have been pushed beyond their limits.”

This book grabbed me from the very beginning. Even though is pretty lengthy I didn’t mind it because the story was so different than anything I’ve read before. The author does a great job keeping you guessing until the very last page. This is a complete page turner and is not meant for the fainted heart so please read at your own discretion.

I found myself ugly crying in several scenes with deep chest pain which made this book more appealing to me. The more painful the better. I found it hard to decide which character was my favorite but Kodiak won at the end. I am excited to see what the next two books brings.

Hills of Shivers and Shadows is a story of survival; readers who enjoy dark suspense and dark psychological captive books will find it most appealing.

This was a F(BR) with CC, War & Liz.

ARC provided for honest review.

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